Participant Recruitment For University Researchers

Book Free Consultation

We recruit verified participants so you can finish your dissertation and get on with your life

Recruitment based on ANY criteria

Our specialty is recruiting participants for hard-to-find or complex demographic criteria. We recruit from an audience of 3.1 billion consumers and 1.1 billion professionals worldwide.

Recruitment based on ANY criteria

Quality participant guarantee

We guarantee participants meet your recruitment criteria and show up for research sessions. Any participants that fail to complete their research session are replaced for free.

Quality participant guarantee

Cost-effective recruitment

Recruit participants for a fraction of the cost of other platforms.

Cost-effective recruitment

Pay once, unlimited follow-ups

No additional fees to conduct follow-up sessions with your participants.

Pay once, unlimited follow-ups

Tell us your criteria and we'll recruit participants for you

1. Book consultation

1. Book consultation

This helps us understand your needs and ramps up participant recruitment.

2. Create screener

2. Create screener

The screener is a wizard that lets potential participants share their availability and answer your screening questions. We can help you set this up.

3. Pay invoice

3. Pay invoice

We will send you a quote for recruiting participants based on your recruitment criteria. After we receive payment, participants will start to appear in your project.

4. Conduct research

4. Conduct research

Schedule participants based on your availability and conduct research sessions.

Case Studies

Your participants are real people, not scammers

1.1 billion

Accessible professionals

3.1 billion

Accessible consumers


Quality checks


Fraud free, guaranteed

Book your free consultation today

What to expect from your free consultation

  • Discuss your participant recruitment criteria
  • Walk through how Qualitative can help you with participant recruitment
  • Answer your questions
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