Case Study

Stigma By Association In The Workplace

The Client

Bernice is a doctoral candidate at The Chicago School, pursuing a PhD in Business Psychology. She is doing her dissertation on social support for people who have experienced stigma by association in the workplace due to a drug-addicted family member.

The Challenge

Bernice initially attempted to self-service recruitment on Facebook and LinkedIn but was unable to recruit any participants. She also looked at a couple of recruitment services but none seemed like a good fit for her needs as a doctoral researcher.

Participant Criteria

  • Currently or previously employed
  • Has a drug-addicted family member
  • Has concerns with people at work knowing about drug-addicted family member
  • English proficiency: Advanced or Native
  • Location: United States

Study Details

  • Format In-depth interview
  • Interview duration 45 minutes
  • Venue Zoom video conference
  • Number of participants 10
  • Incentive $60 gift card

The Solution

Qualitative initially met with Bernice to talk through her research study. After she decided to move forward with Qualitative, we guided her in setting up her account and creating a participant screener that minimized response bias. We then simulated recruitment and came back to Bernice with a quote for participant recruitment. Bernice paid the invoice for participant recruitment and by the next day, participants started to appear in Bernice's project in Qualitative, ready to be scheduled for interviews. Bernice conducted all 10 interviews over the course of 2 weeks.

The Outcome

By the end of the study, Qualitative had recruited 10 participants who had concerns about workplace colleagues knowing about their drug-addicted family member. 6 were female and 4 were male. There were 3 participants between the ages of 30-39, 2 participants between the ages of 40-49, 4 participants between the ages of 50-59, and 1 participant between the ages of 60-69. All participants were U.S. residents and spread pretty evenly between the east coast, west coast, and the middle of the U.S.

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